Yes! You will receive our Dutch certificate after you have completed our course.

Do you provide a Civic Integration certificate?
No. You must pass the Civic Integration exam at a government office ‘DUO’.

Civic Integration exam
Most immigrants to the Netherlands from outside the EU have to pass the Inburgeringsexamen (civic integration exam) in order to get a Dutch resident permit or to apply for Dutch citizenship. You will need to have sufficient command of the Dutch language (level A2) and basic knowledge of Dutch society in order to fulfil the integration requirements. Information on the exam can be obtained from the organisation DUO at or by calling 050-599 9600

Integration Exam preparation training
We will offer you our Integration Exam preparation training once you have successfully completed our A1 and A2 level courses. We will give you the tools you need to pass the exam with success. We will also provide some practice test materials for your civic integration exam and all information about examination fees, exam locations, rules and registration you need.

What do you need to do?

Step 1 Enroll in Beginners A1 level course >

Step 2 Enroll in Semi-Intermediate A2 level course >

Step 3 Enroll in Dutch Integration Exam Preparation Course