What will the cashier ask you at the Dutch supermarket?

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Dutch Course Eindhoven TeacherTeacher Philippe
1. Is dit van u? (Is this yours?)

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> Ja, dat is van mij! (Yes, that’s mine!)

Dutch Course Eindhoven TeacherTeacher Philippe
2. Heeft u lege flessen ingeleverd? (Did you return empty bottles?)

Dutch Course Eindhoven
> Ja, hier is mijn bonnetje (Yes, here is my receipt).

Dutch Course Eindhoven TeacherTeacher Philippe

3. Spaart u spaarzegels? (Do you save stamps?)

Dutch Course Eindhoven
3. Spaart u koopzegels? (Do you save stamps?)

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3. Spaart u Air Miles? (Do you save Air Miles?)

> Nee, dank u (No, thank you!).

Dutch Course Eindhoven
> Ja, 2 stuks alsjeblieft! (Yes, 2 please!).

Dutch Course Eindhoven TeacherTeacher Philippe
4. Heeft u 35 cent? (Do you have 35 cents?)

Dutch Course Eindhoven
> Nee, helaas niet (No, unfortunately not).

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> Ik denk het wel. Ik zal even kijken (I think so. I’ll take a look).

Dutch Course Eindhoven TeacherTeacher Philippe

5. Heeft u een bonuskaart? (Do you have a bonus card?)

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> Ja! (yes!).

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> Nee (No).

Dutch Course Eindhoven TeacherTeacher Philippe
6. Wilt u contant betalen of pinnen? (Do you want to pay in cash or by debit card?).

Dutch Course Eindhoven
> Contant alsjeblieft (Cash please).

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> Ik wil graag pinnen (I would like to pay by card).

Dutch Course Eindhoven TeacherTeacher Philippe

7. Wilt u een bonnetje? (Do you want a receipt?).

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> Nee, dank u!

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> Ja graag! (Yes please!)

Dutch Course Eindhoven TeacherTeacher Philippe

8. Anders nog iets? (Anything else?)

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8. Heeft u alles kunnen vinden? (Have you been able to find everything?)

Dutch Course Eindhoven TeacherTeacher Philippe
9. Deze kassa gaat sluiten (This cash register will close).

Dutch Course Eindhoven
9. U kunt bij de andere kassa betalen (You can pay at the other cash register).

Dutch Course Eindhoven TeacherTeacher Philippe

10. Mag ik even in uw tas kijken? (Can I have a look in your bag?)

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> Ja, zeker! (Yes, sure!)

Dutch Course Eindhoven TeacherTeacher Philippe
11. Fijne dag verder! (Have a nice day!).

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11. Een fijn weekend (Have a nice weekend!).

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> Dank u! U ook! (Thank you! You too!)

Dutch Course Eindhoven TeacherTeacher Philippe

Save this page to your bookmarks for later. Also write these questions in your Dutch boekje and take it with you to the local supermarket. Try to answer these questions in Dutch. I also have a question for you: What Dutch words related to the supermarket do you know already? Please share them in the comments below. If your Dutch will be correct, I will like your answer below:) Stay tuned! Subscribe to comments at the bottom of this page! Do you have friends? Make your friends happy with this page:) Share it with them. I would love to read their comments too:) So what do you buy at the supermarket?

Dutch Course Eindhoven TeacherTeacher Philippe, Dutch Academy Eindhoven
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